Congratulations to Robbie Wood and his teammates, Roger Collins, Tanner Castle, Joe Phillips, Erin Dettrey, on their strong finish in a tough 2-day event.
The tournament was held at The Bank Shot Bar and Grill, located in Laurel, MD, and featured some very solid teams.

We are proud of Robbie and his commitment to representing with hard work, determination, and class. Currently, he is representing TTMD Billiards Streaming, Big Money Billiards, and Bull Carbon.

Shout out to (VIP) Brandon Stidham, (VIP) Mildred Sawyerr, and (VIP) Rachel Rea as well as their entire team for their efforts.
Although they came up a bit short, they clearly had a great time.

Congratulations to all the teams that organized to compete at The Bank Shot Bar and Grill this past weekend!