TTMD Billiards Streaming would like to thank The New Green Room Tournaments and Alishia Hixson for all they do for the pool community. They are sponsors of our TTMD Billiards Streaming 10-Ball Open Championship 2021 and we are very thankful for their support.

Alishia and her staff have been doing a fabulous job organizing events to fit many types of play including scotch doubles, 3 person team events, and more. Often there will be a mix of 8-Ball, 9-Ball, and or Fastrack 8-Ball.
The tournaments are well run, and the facility offers 20+ tables to allow for large-scale events with big payouts. The tables are well maintained as The New Green Room Billiards is the home of all the Maryland APA Tournaments and the road to Vegas. Players can enjoy a full bar and excellent pub-style food.

There are thankless hours that go into preparing for and hosting a tournament, that most are not aware of. It isn’t just keeping track of paid entrees or coming up with a fresh event to attract new players that can weigh on a tournament director. Often players evolve over time and their game changes, as a result so do their skill rankings. No matter if it is APA, TAP, FargoRate, or any other ranking system, there are always people that will try to manipulate and take advantage. As with any gathering of competitive athletes, there are interpersonal issues between players, sometimes passions run high and emotions run over. The tournament directors are on the frontlines, trying to maintain a fair event, keeping an eye out for “sandbaggers” and maintaining order, while also keeping things fun and upbeat. The New Green Room Tournament staff, lead by Alishia Hixson, do a fabulous job.
TTMD Billiards Streaming is planning several events with TNGR Tournaments and Alishia for our 2022 schedule.