We would like to thank (VIP) James Shiflett for representing the sport and TTMD Billiards Streaming with class.
When James is not competing he will often visit tournaments, showing love to the venue and saying hello to everyone. If he cannot make it to a tournament, James is no doubt watching the stream at home. He would often chime in to let us know he is watching.
James is not shy in showing his love for his friends and the sport.

A little about James
James says “I started playing pool when I was 12 and in 2008 I joined the APA while going to college.”
The game he likes most is 8 ball, and says, “I feel 8 ball is a lot more challenging for a pool player that can’t run out over and over.” James continued, “I met a lot of good pool players and some became great friends and I try to practice or watch pool when I can but life, isn’t just that, with kids.”
Your Support Matters
At the end of a long weekend of streaming, when we are running on fumes and trying to keep the same energy. It means a lot when James approaches the booth and asks, “Hey, you need anything, a drink or anything?” Often followed by some words of encouragement and a thank you for the stream.
Thank you James and Serena Shiflett for all you do to support the sport, your friends and our stream.