Sponsor of the TTMD Billiards Streaming 10-Ball Open Championship.

Cole and Danielle Haase the owners of On Cue Sports Bar and Grill in Front Royal, VA have been fabulous.
When we contacted them in October of last year and asked if we could host an event at their facility, they almost certainly did not know what we had in mind.
After several months of reaching out to players– pros, and amateurs alike, we felt we could pull off something special. TTMD Billiards Streaming started actively looking for event sponsors and procuring the money needed for the added 10K in prize money.
Talking with Cole we explained we were ready to move forward and began advertising the event, and he has been all in ever since. When we created the flyer for the upcoming 10 Ball tournament, we (TTMD Billiards Streaming) posted that the balls would be Aramith Pro Cup, however, that was a mistake as On Cue, uses Aramith Premier balls. Once we (TTMD) realized the error, we were going to update the graphic, but true to form, Cole said “…don’t worry about it, I’ll get in touch with Aramith and we will get Pro Cup Balls.” Then went on to ask “when should I get the tables recovered?” as he was concerned the tables might be too slippery and tough for the players. If you watched the Mosconi Cup you will recall, even the best players in the world can have a tough time with brand-new cloth and balls.

The town of Front Royal is brimming with anticipation and excitement, which is no doubt a reflection of the respect the community has for Cole. Everyone wants to see the pros come to town but they also want to see their guy Cole have a great turnout and successful event. As we draw closer it is clear to our team how much this event has gained interest, not just with the players, but with the locals. We are often approached and asked about the tournament when we are in town.
If you have not been to On Cue Sports Bar and Grill, you should plan a trip. As a pool player, you could not be happier as the nine-foot Blue Label Diamonds are kept in spectacular shape, and they play true. The food is excellent, offering a full dinner menu and light fare food after dinner hours. The bar is stocked, cold beer on tap, all served with a smile from the friendly waitstaff.

Take a day trip to the area to enjoy the outdoors, hike the Appalachian Trail, go white water rafting, tubing, or fishing. Wind down your day at On Cue Sports Bar and Grill, maybe join in on a Monthly 9-Ball tournament.
We at TTMD Billiards Streaming are extremely grateful for the opportunity to host this premier event at On Cue Sports Bar and Grill.